My Dump Ranch Recipe

Dump Ranch- you hear me talk about it A LOT, I know! But have you tried making it yet??? You must! I’m not sure how I ever lived without this dressing/dip that is a cult favorite in the Whole30 community! But it’s not just for those of us on a Whole30- take my word for it! Ditch the store-bought versions filled with junk and make your own! This healthy homemade alternative to conventional ranch is a staple in my fridge. Now I make it a couple times a month and use it on literally everything! From dipping with veggies to putting it on salads, on top of baked potatoes, to pretty much drinking it right out of the bottle- I can’t get enough!

Under the wing of my dear friend Kristi who I coined the “Dump Ranch Master,” I have perfected my own recipe. I like my dump ranch EXTRA flavorful and it’s always a crowd pleaser! Again, this is how I make mine but you should experiment and do what you like! Make it your own! I like a bunch of spices and herbs for a big flavor burst but it might be too much for you. My advice- start with less because you can always add more 😀

Dump Ranch Recipe:

  • 2 cups light tasting olive oil

  • 1 can Thai Kitchen brand organic full fat coconut milk

  • Juice of one lemon

  • 1 egg 

  • 2+ tablespoons garlic powder

  • 2+ tablespoons onion powder

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • ALL the herbs you like! I use basil, chives, cilantro, parsley, and dill!

  • If you like it spicy I recommend adding a jalapeño (seeded or with a few seeds for some heat)!


  • You must have an immersion blender- this cannot be made with a VitaMix or NutriBullet because it will not turn out the same. It will be thin and runny- yuck!

  • You need a tall container to make the dump ranch in.

  • First add all wet ingredients to the container (oil, coconut milk, lemon juice, and egg) then add the spices (garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper).

  • Place the immersion blender all the way inside the container and put it at the bottom. Turn on the immersion blender and hold it in place for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, SLOWLY start to lift the immersion blender upwards to emulsify and combine all of the ingredients (approx another 60 seconds).

  • Once it turns a milky white color, it’s time to add all of the herbs that make it the beautiful pale green color! Add the herbs in huge bunches into the container and use the immersion blender in an up-and-down motion to blend. Once everything is blended to a smooth consistency, you're done!

  • I like to store mine in glass containers and it can keep in the fridge for up to 10 days or so!

Make sure to check out these tutorial videos where I walk you step-by-step through making Dump Ranch! It’s so easy, promise!

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