Homemade Plant-Based Milk with My Almond Cow

It’s no secret that I am enamored with my Almond Cow machine! You know when you find something and you wonder how you ever lived without it and you want to tell everyone you know about it? Well, that’s exactly how I feel about my Almond Cow!

This is not an ad and I’m not sponsored by Almond Cow (although I wish I was!) but I love everything about it so much that I am dedicating an entire blog so I can share with all of you how my Almond Cow machine has changed my life!

How It All Started…

My homemade latte is like a religious experience for me everyday. It is part of my daily ritual that I love and look forward to each morning when I wake up.

I spent years (and a lot of money) trying every “healthy” pant-based milk on the market- almond, cashew and oat milk. I found the milks that tasted and frothed the best were full of ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce. Even bigger name brands like Oatly who promote themselves as being a “clean” product contain filler oils and other suspect ingredients to increase its shelf life. I used Oatly for years until I did my first Whole30 which led me away from oats entirely. This started my hunt for the best nut -based milk but again, I found the only products that tasted delicious and frothed to my liking had oils, gums and other binders and stabilizers that I knew weren’t good for me and I wasn’t comfortable consuming them them on a daily basis.

Enter the Almond Cow machine!

Ads for the Almond Cow kept popping up on my Instagram feed (as things eerily do) and after about six months of debating and justifying the financial and time investment it would take to first purchase the machine, and then actually make my own plant based milk, I pulled the trigger. And man, am I so happy that I did!

I’ve had my Almond Cow for almost two months now and truly wonder how I ever lived without it. I can make fresh, homemade milk within minutes!

Why I love my Almond Cow so much:

  • I have complete control over the ingredients!

No funny stuff, just pure whole foods and I can customize the milk to whatever I like.

  • It’s FAST!

I can make fresh, homemade milk within minutes! From start to finish, including cleanup- it takes me maybe 5 minutes.

  • It’s easy to clean!

Just rinse all parts with warm water and set out to dry on a dishtowel.

  • It’s economical!

I was paying, on average, $6-8 for a container of organic, clean almond milk every 5 days, So you figure about 40 batches of milk and the machine has paid for itself!

  • It’s eco-friendly!

Using my Almond Cow has drastically reduced my use of single-use plastic containers! I use the glass jar each and every time- nothing to throw away!

  • Nothing goes to waste!

Not only is the milk delicious, but so is the pulp meal that is the leftover ingredients in the basket after the milk is extracted. I eat this for breakfast, or as a dessert!

How long does the milk last and how often do you need to re-order the ingredients?

  • Personally, I only use the milk for my morning latte (sometimes I have two lattes on the weekends) and one batch lasts me 4-5 days. If my husband or kids use the milk for something, then obviously I have to make it more often.

  • I ordered the Starter Set which includes the machine, glass container, cleaner brush, 3 lbs bag of almonds, 3 lbs bag of cashews, 3 lbs bag of oats (which I rarely use) and a 2lbs bag of coconut shreds. I’ve had the machine for almost two months as I mentioned before and I am about halfway through my ingredients supply.

Laurie’s Almond, Cashew, Coconut Milk Recipe:

* Note: I do not soak the almonds and cashews prior to making my milk. Some people do, but that adds an extra step that I'm not interested in doing and I love the way my lip turns out.

Make sure to check out Almond Cow’s milk recipes here!

Laurie’s Pulpmeal Recipe:

The pulpmeal from one batch of milk can last me 2-3 servings. I store it in an airtight container in the fridge.

Make sure to check out Almond Cow’s pulpmeal recipes here!

Here’s a visual from Almond Cow to help with the milk making process:


My step-by-step Almond Cow tutorial video is on LEVEL UP ONLINE and can be found here.Almond Cow’s tutorials on their YouTube and Instagram are also very very helpful!

Helpful Tips When Making Milk in Your Almond Cow:

  • Use hot water to extract more from your ingredients, yielding a thicker, creamier milk.

  • You can also run the machine through an additional cycle to get the most out of the ingredients, which is what I do. So just press the button one more time after the machine runs its first cycle.

  • Make sure to not overfill the basket- I say a max of 1 cup of ingredients total, then tip and give the basket a little shake to fit the blade of the lid inside easier.

Do I think you need an Almond Cow?

If you drink plant-based milk often, you care about the ingredients you put into your body and you like to save money and the environment, then YES!

I have a special discount code for you with $10 off your purchase:


If you purchase an Almond Cow I hope that you love it as much as I do! I'd love to know about your Almond Cow journey below in the comments!


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